The Fitness Center, locker rooms, and showers are located on the fifth floor of Liberty Place. They are available for the use of building Tenant employees only. However, please note: The lockers and showers are an amenity of the building and are not for the exclusive use of any Tenant’s employees. The number of showers and lockers are mandated by DC Government and Building Management has complied with all District requirements. If at any time in the future the locker room & shower facilities are no longer mandated, Building Management reserves the right in its sole discretion to discontinue this amenity.
- Only authorized users — i.e., those who are employed in this building— may have access and use of these facilities.
- Be mindful of the safety and security of yourself and others and report any suspicious activities, persons or incidents to Building Management (202-737-0603).
- Fitness Center, locker rooms, and showers are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Security access cards will be issued to authorized users and are not to be shared or given to anyone else to use.
- The doors to the locker room and shower facilities shall be closed and locked at all times. Each user is responsible for ensuring doors are closed and locked behind them.
- Overnight storage in lockers is not permitted. The locker room is to be used on a daily basis. All items must be removed immediately after use. Building Management reserves the right to cut off all locks left on lockers overnight and will not be responsible for items that are left in them. No locks may remain on the lockers overnight.
- Food and beverages are prohibited in the locker room and shower facilities. Water and sports drinks, which must be in closed non-breakable containers, are permitted. No glass bottles are permitted.
- No alcohol or tobacco products are permitted in the locker room and shower facilities.
- Mirrors, shelves and hooks are available for your use. Please do not leave items on shelves or hanging on hooks.
- Building Management reserves the right to revoke access to any Tenant employee who violates these rules and regulations.
- For your safety, there are panic buttons located in the Fitness Center and the Women’s Locker Room.